Royal Bafokeng Capital (RBC) is the major shareholder at SACMH, with a 58,5% stake, and is a BEE shareholding partner in SACMH which is playing a key role in ensuring good governance within the organisation.
about US

Royal Bafokeng Capital (RBC) is the major shareholder at SACMH, with a 58,5% stake, and is a BEE shareholding partner in SACMH which is playing a key role in ensuring good governance within the organisation.
SACMH believes that safety is one of the core foundations of the mining industry – where extensive care needs to be taken to ensure the safety of all staff members.
Our safety record has been achieved as a result of SACMH enforcing stringent safety mechanisms, which are used to avoid any incidents that infringe on safety.
Social Responsibility
As a responsible corporate citizen, SACMH is involved in the rehabilitation of mined land, with a core focus on saving and recycling water at both its Ilanga and Umlabu Collieries. With some of the mined pits not being filled by the previous miner, they have, through time, accumulated water. In an effort to create a sustainable recycling process, SACMH is currently using this excess water to process coal at its wash plant. Once the pits are completely drained of excess water, the land will then be filled and restored to its original form.
Company Profile
South African Coal Mining Holdings Limited (SACMH) is a junior coal producer with operations in the Ermelo / Breyten district of the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. Having developed a reputation as specialist in thin seam open cast and underground coal mining, SACMH produces and processes coal products for international markets. SACMH listed on the JSE on 20 August 2007. SACMH was placed under care and maintenance in April 2009.

Export Allocation
The SACMH group has an export allocation of 500 000 tons per annum (TPA) at TFR’s tempo of 93-million tons per annum (Mtpa); through its Phase V shareholding allocation. The current allocation is sitting at 100 000 TPA at a TFR tempo of 71 Mtpa. An allocation of 157 000 TPA has also been provided to SACMH at the Quattro port. The annual capacity, based on TFR performance, limits the allocation to 257 000 tons per annum. |
Rail Sidings
The Umlabu siding is situated on the Voorslag property, adjacent to the Umlabu Mine, and has a capacity of exporting approximately 2,1-million tons of coal per annum. Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) has allocated the section of the railway to Umlabu siding, to be used as a loading site for coal to be exported to RBCT and Maputo. It is confirmed that the Umlabu Siding is compliant with requirements for loading sites set by the TFR.
Wash Plant
A processing plant was constructed to process coal to required quality specifications.
The plant is a basic 710 dense media cyclone design and was originally designed to process 60 tonnes per hour (tph), at a yield of ca. 50 – 55%. Recently the plant was upgraded by introducing a Parnaby 510 modular dense media cyclone plant and a Multotec spiral plant.
The Run of Mine (ROM) coal is initially fed into a multi stage crushing and screening plant and delivered to a surge bin for beneficiating. The ROM is classified on a vibratory sizing screen, 50mm x 8mm, 8mm x 1mm and 1mm x 0 mm for specific metallurgical up-grading.
In the process of resuming production and with the financial backing of JSW, significant progress was made in terms of upgrading the current plant. This will allow for improved throughput from the plant in future. It is planned to move the plant and possibly upgrade the capacity to 400 tonnes per hour.
Umlabu Colliery
The Umlabu mining area is north of Ermelo in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. It is situated next to the Xstrata (Proprietary) Limited’s Spitskop Colliery. Umlabu Colliery holds the Umlabu Mining Assets, which include the Vlakfontein, Voorslag and Mooifontein Coal Deposits, as well as the Sterkfontein Prospecting rights.
Infrastructure and Physiography at Umlabu Colliery is well serviced by non-electrified railways and roads. A tarred road, which links Breyten and Ermelo, runs along the western margin of the mining area.
Umlabu Colliery is an opencast and underground mining operation with current production of approximately 80 000 tonnes per month, with future plans to ramp this up to 150 000 tonnes per month.
Within the Umlabu Colliery, three potentially exploitable coal seams have been identified, namely the B Seam, C-Upper Seam and C-Lower Seam. The C-Upper and C-Lower Seams will be predominantly extracted by opencast means, while the B Seam will be predominantly exploited by underground mining.

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Physical Address
c/o Umlabu Mine, Farm Voorslag,
Ermelo/Breyten R36, 2350.
GPS Coordinates
S 26 ‘22.496 – E 29 ‘59.358